For my whole career, I concentrated on that cycle of games from August to May and being mentally and physically ready.
Gun-related violence and murders are concentrated among blacks and Latinos in big cities.
It's virtually impossible to find thc in water in concentrated levels because cannabinoids are not water soluble.
I'm not concentrated or concerned with any other factors rather than just being able to do the best job that I can.
I have a concentrated period of work for about five months, and then I take a bunch of time off. That's just the way I work.
We would have liked it if they concentrated on the reconstruction first, that would have been better.
Humankind would improve if we concentrated less on being human and more on being kind.
Concentrated serum albumin fractionated from blood plasma was effective in battlefield treatment of shock.
At 13, I concentrated on my school work and playing sports, which, to this day, is something I still believe is very, very important.