Democrats have already threatened. There is one democratic congressman who said he will file a lawsuit over this.
Every time a congressman or pundit says its 'class warfare' to increase taxes on the wealthy, it's a massive lie.
I am the only Republican Congressman who represents a borough within New York City, a city of 8.5 million people.
I had visited Congressman Deal before, but I never thought I'd be sitting on the other side of the desk.
I have a world of respect for Congressman Dold and the service he's given to our country.
I met a congressman who claimed that he could introduce me to two people who saw Amelia Earhart.
I think Gov. Romney and Congressman Ryan are living in a fairly tale land on their energy policy.
I was introduced to Congressman Lyndon B. Johnson. The young Congressman was very friendly.
It is unacceptable to be disrespectful of Congressman Crowley. He's done some phenomenal, phenomenal work for the Bronx and Queens.
It's a little challenging as a congressman to keep a low profile, but I try very hard to keep a low profile.