The next 1 billion consumers are going to come from these countries.
Our consumers become more challenging and demanding, customization to markets and individuals will become the norm.
What is positive about the gdp number is that it showed consumers are strong.
Early access is very valuable, there are a lot of consumers who would love to see something early.
In today's age, consumers are increasingly concerned about their online reputation.
Tennessee consumers will have at least one option for coverage, but only one.
Consumers are saying enough is enough.
Some consumers aspire to own the 'full set' of a big house, big car, big tv and big smart phone.
Consumers will pay for content that they value, we think there will be experiences we will be able to sell.
Consumers don't know where to find them.
Demand has proved to be very sticky and consumers have accepted that sop prices aren't going to fall.
There is a vast market of consumers worldwide who have the means to afford a 3d printer for their home.
Consumers have to go one layer deeper. If they're having surgery, they need to also worry about infection.
Consumers are increasingly feeling that they are being taken for a ride.
Consumers want safe and really efficient automobiles.
I've always believed consumers have a right to know what's in their food.
Consumers need to enjoy life.
For health-related products in china, most consumers buy them because they're cheap, how many are buying those? Not many.
It's a big win for consumers that the airlines realize that they'd overstepped their bounds.
Many consumers may think: 'if it could happen to chekov, it could happen to me,'.
How most consumers collect and interpret health information has changed.
More than trends, consumers need functionality. Everything needs an element of fashion, but that's more like a spice.
The nearer-term picture is, consumers are enjoying lower gas prices; it's almost as if it is an alleviation of taxes.
Consumers come to russia from kazakhstan, buy a car and send it back home to kazakhstan.
Gm consumers got a major victory in their ignition switch lawsuits that were previously barred by the u.s. Bankruptcy court.
If anything, what happened is that the nutrition community and consumers came to our aid and said this does not make sense.
The thing about guns in the hands of consumers is that they are like dresses and shoes, the fashion comes and goes.
Even with low gas prices, consumers are looking for ways to save money, and the weather is giving them a perfect excuse.
Consumers are putting the money they save at the pump to work.
No one seems to have considered hard-pressed consumers in all this.