I'm a pretty controlled and disciplined person, but my real vice is buying plants and food shopping.
The creative process is not controlled by a switch you can simply turn on or off; it's with you all the time.
Smooth muscle (or visceral) is involuntary, its not controlled by our conscious mind. It is found on the walls of many organs and structures such as the esophagus, stomach, intestines, bladder, and blood vessels. Smooth muscles contract to move substances such as food through the organ.
As is the desire of providence, so functions one's intellect; one's activities are also controlled by providence; and by the will of providence one is surrounded by helpers.
Between an uncontrolled escalation and passivity, there is a demanding road of responsibility that we must follow.
When enthusiasm is inspired by reason; controlled by caution; sound in theory; practical in application; reflects confidence; spreads good cheer; raises morale; inspires associates; arouses loyalty; and laughs at adversity, it is beyond price.