Brass is a zinc and copper alloy that has been used by humans since ancient times. Zinc metal however, was first produced on mass in 12th century India. While Europe did not know about zinc metal until the end of the 16th century.
Copper is a plentiful natural resource on Earth. At the current rate of extraction there is enough copper in the top kilometer of the Earths crust to meet demand for 5 million years.
Nearly 80% of all the copper we have ever produced is still in use today due to the fact that copper is 100% recyclable and retains 95% of its original value.
Numerous important copper alloys have been produced over human history. Brass is a mixture of copper and zinc, bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. While cupronickel is a combination of copper and nickel.
Small amounts of copper can be found in a natural state while the metal is also found in minerals such as cuprite, malachite, azurite, chalcopyrite and bornite.
Nearly 80% of all the copper we have ever produced is still in use today due to the fact that copper is 100% recyclable and retains 95% of its original value.
Numerous important copper alloys have been produced over human history. Brass is a mixture of copper and zinc, bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. While cupronickel is a combination of copper and nickel.
Pure copper is red-orange in color. When it is exposed to air it darkens to a brown color and if exposed to air and water, it becomes a blue-green color called verdigris.
Small amounts of copper can be found in a natural state while the metal is also found in minerals such as cuprite, malachite, azurite, chalcopyrite and bornite.