What used to be really good coral reefs in there have definitely been decimated over the last two to three years.
The coral reef at Bonaire, one of the alphabet islands in the Caribbean, is so alive and healthy.
It is found in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia.
Marine animals called coral play an important role in the formation of the Great Barrier Reef.
Madagascar has the 3rd largest coral reef system in the world, the Toliara coral reef, off the south-western coast.
True coral needs no painter's brush.
A coral reef hardens into land.
I looked for the soul in the sea and coral found there and under the foam was all around for me lying naked on the night of my heart and along the narrow road I felt light of the day the land of eternal.
The coral is either digesting the algae or expelling it - we're not quite sure of the process.
Coral snakes are highly venomous but not usually aggressive, only biting as a last resort.
Coral create calcium carbonate which forms a hard, shell-like skeleton.