The immediate question that comes to mind is, 'this is a really crazy drug, and how can we make sure we're safe from people who use this drug?' but the question we should be asking as a society is, 'why are people turning to drugs like this, and why is there this increasing need for stronger drugs?' so we should be looking at this not as a law enforcement problem but as a public health problem.
People are still crazy about Python after twenty-five years, which I find hard to believe.
You wouldn't wish hardship on anyone, but when it comes, you would be crazy not to see the huge growth that will come from it.
Colbert makes me crazy he's so funny. Plus, he seems like an extraordinarily decent dude.
I do not subscribe to the 'Trump is crazy like a fox' thing. I think that's being too generous.
The Internet's a crazy place to hang out because it's insane to see so many people doing so many creative things all over the map.
In the marathon a crazy athlete can just keep pushing from the beginning, at a championship you don't need a time just to win the race.
What's crazy about my life is that the biggest things that have happened just happen.