She would drink the cream and say the cat she had was an old rogue.
Cream doesn't rise to the top, it works its way up.
It is too late for the bird to scream when it is caught.
The cat with cream on her whiskers should have a good excuse ready.
It is not well for a man to pray cream and live skim milk.
Scream at god if that's the only thing that will get results.
Cultivated men and women who do not skim the cream of life, and are attached to the duties, yet escape the harsher blows, make acute and balanced observers.
I was pretty much trying to scream for air and trying to breathe because he was holding my throat.
An employee heard someone screaming for help, he quickly went there and saw a crocodile attacking someone.
This has not yet risen to the level of a screaming buying opportunity.
My opponent called me a cream puff. ... Well, I rushed out and got the baker's union to endorse me.
This sector ... Doesn't scream out to me as one that's particularly attractive, it's still under a lot of pressure.
We will go yelling and screaming because it's our paradise.
I wanted to scream to the world what was happening.
We started screaming and telling him to stop, but he didn't hear us.
Twinkie cream isn't cream at all.
They're reasonably priced. It doesn't mean they're screaming cheap. You can start to accumulate them here.
There's a frenetic energy in screaming and yelling and being a rebel in a way.
The Pentecostals had horns, drums, guitars, huge choirs, and screaming and dancing and all kinds of stuff. That was for me.
The only time I scream is when I see the 5 A.M. Start on the call sheet.
The Nivea Care Cream changed my life.
The haters always scream the loudest.
The first time I jumped from a plane, I screamed like a woman. I was two miles up and you could hear me clear as day. Now I love it.
The Democrats always scream 'racism' at a Republican contender in any field across the country.
The cream rises to the top, even if sour.
That was the best ice cream soda I ever tasted.
That was a screaming meemie