A crooked log is not to be straightened.
A crooked log makes a good fire.
A fair skin often covers a crooked mind.
Crooked hillary time's pay-for-play. If donald trump look at crooked hillary time, crooked hillary time's pay-for-play.
Crooked iron may be straightened with a hammer.
Crooked logs make straight fires.
Crooked wood burns quite as well as straight.
Crooked wood is straightened with fire.
From such crooked wood as that which man is made of, nothing straight can be fashioned.
From timber so crooked as that from which man is carved, nothing entirely straight can be made.
God writes on crooked lines.
God writes straight with crooked lines.
He who ploughs with young oxen, makes crooked furrows.
I have crooked toes from wearing boots that didn't fit me because that's all I could afford as a kid.
I have really crooked teeth - they give me character!
I went up a straight crooked lane and, I said 'No thanks, yes if yer please.
I'm not running against crooked hillary.
If you stand straight do not fear a crooked shadow.
If you stand straight, do not fear a crooked shadow.
Improvement makes straight roads; but the crooked roads without improvement are roads of genius.
In japan, crooked teeth are considered cute and attractive.
It's a lot of crooked cops out there. They manipulate the system.
It's as crooked almost as hillary clinton.
My issue is with crooked cops who won't hesitate to kill a black man.
Nixon was so crooked that he needed servants to help him screw his pants on every morning.
Out of timber so crooked as that from which man is made nothing entirely straight can be carved.
Straight praying is never born of crooked conduct.
The dog's tail stays crooked even if he is buried for twelve years.
These three take crooked ways: carts, boats, and musicians.
To make a crooked stick straight, we bend it the contrary way.