No one is so accursed by fate, no one so utterly desolate, but some heart, though unknown, responds unto his own.
I collect a lot of cursed objects. That's probably why I have a lot of problems.
Cursed mammon be, when he with treasures to restless action spurs our fate!
Family jokes, though rightly cursed by strangers, are the bond that keeps most families alive.
A cursed cur should be short tied.
Orissa is cursed by the two tragic extremes of drought and famine.
I'm cursed with the gift of foresight.
Better be a cursed man than he who curses.
Vexed sailors cursed the rain, for which poor shepherds prayed in vain.
I have always been cursed or blessed with this inability to hide behind anything and to just say exactly what I am experiencing.
Cursed cows have short horns.
I am cursed with computers; something always goes wrong.
You love what you do, you are cursed with it, and then you get known for being cursed with it.
Honestly, I've been very blessed. Yes, I am cursed with this gift.
The mad, cruel, and accursed American war.
A cursed cow has short horns.
Who serves the mass is thanked by none, but cursed if aught left undone.
You know, I'm cursed with morals. I was raised a certain way. I wish I wasn't. I wish I was raised by wolves.
Accursed thirst for gold! What dost thou not compel mortals to do?
The earth was cursed for Adam's sake. Work is our blessing, not our doom. God has a work to do, and so should we.