'Evil Dead 1' was never supposed to have a sequel.
'Livin' on a Prayer,' 'Wanted Dead or Alive' - those are iconic songs.
A blind cat catches only a dead rat.
A cup to the dead already, - hurrah for the next that dies.
A day's impact is better than a month of dead pull.
A dead cherry tree will not blossom.
A dead end can never be a one way street; you can always turn around and take another road.
A dead end is the only way out of where you shouldn't be going.
A dead end street is a good place to turn around.
A dead man does not know where his grave is.
A dead man does not make war.
A dead man does not speak.
A dead man has neither relations nor friends.
A dead man pays no debts.
A dead man's will is the mirror of his life.
Stone dead hath no fellow.
The dead and the absent have no friends.
I would say that this does feel like it is a dead cat bounce because how much more ammunition really do policymakers have?
The seven deadly sins should be updated. We should add an eighth sin Cowardice.
I'd rather be dead than singing 'Satisfaction' when I'm forty-five.
No one ever kicks a dead dog.
Never dress in mourning before the dead man is in his coffin.
Better a living donkey than a dead doctor.
The only truly dead are those who have been forgotten.
If a dead tree falls, it carries with it a live one.
The living who is absent is like a dead man.
Even rabbits insult an dead lion.
The deadliest feeling that can be offered to a woman is pity.
So prodigal was I of youth, forgetting I was young; I worshipped dead men for their strength, forgetting I was strong.