Slander is more deadly than weapons; weapons wound from close range, slander hurts from a distance.
The seven deadly sins should be updated. We should add an eighth sin Cowardice.
Thick, colorful clouds of deadly poisonous gases surround Jupiter. The quick spinning of the planet whips up the atmosphere, creating the bands around the planet.
No doubt, the fight against ISIS is deadly serious, as was the raid that took down their elusive leader.
Anthrax is a deadly inhalational disease.
The camera can be the most deadly weapon since the assassin's bullet. Or it can be the lotion of the heart.
Fear is an insidious and deadly thing. It can warp judgment, freeze reflexes, breed mistakes. Worse, it's contagious.
Lima beans are deadly.
The number of crude but potentially deadly plots has gone up.
If I had any deadly secrets, I wouldn't still be alive.
There are things of deadly earnest that can only be safely mentioned under cover of a joke.
The only deadly sin I know is cynicism.
The female of the species is more deadly than the male.
That which is deadly may have a sweet scent.
Why 'good kids' turn into deadly terrorists: deconstructing the accused boston marathon bombers and others like them.
Jodi Arias had a deadly obsession with Travis Alexander.
Sheer Playfulness and Deadly Seriousness are my closest friends.
Beware of monotony; it's the mother of all the deadly sins.
Few things are so deadly as a misguided sense of compassion.
Of the seven deadly sins, only envy is no fun at all.
Personally, for my character, I started as the silent but deadly type.
Season 4 can be deadly for a show that's been a hit show.
It is as deadly for a mind to have a system as to have none. Therefore it will have to decide to combine both.
Avarice is a deadly sin.
It's a deadly epidemic.