There may be debates about this, but I personally know of no better solution.
I'm sure the other future debates will do it.
That's what I expect, once the debates begin, that will raise awareness.
We now have to take the time for in-depth debates about what worries the french, who expect strong and precise answers.
One of the great debates about the Internet is whether it is making people more or less free.
No one has debates on Twitter.
The government's intention is to function, to have debates in Parliament, and to work in the interest of the people.
'Doctor Who' is, unavoidably, a product of mid-twentieth-century debates about Britain's role in the world as its empire unravelled.
When the presidential debates are on, I'll watch that like it's the Super Bowl. I actually thoroughly enjoy that. I always have.
I've watched presidential debates since I was a teen, and I love it.
Debates go on to this day about what caused the Great Depression. Economics is not very good at explaining swings in economic activity.
I love having debates with people when they are debates but some people, you just can't. Some people shouldn't be given the oxygen.
Republican presidential debates have become contests of who can terrify viewers the most.
Dialogue means debates and everyone's point of view.
Debates are boring.