By degrees the castles are built.
By slow degrees the bird builds his nest.
We love women in proportion to their degree of strangeness to us.
The irony of love is that it guarantees some degree of anger, fear and criticism.
Timing, degree and conviction are the three wise men in this life.
In about the same degree as you are helpful, you will be happy.
There is no such thing as bravery; only degrees of fear.
There is no such thing as bravery, only degrees of fear.
What is difficulty? Only a word indicating the degree of strength requisite for accomplishing particular objects; a mere notice of the necessity for exertion ... A mere stimulus to men.
It's about minus 20 degrees today and not much breeze, so we thought the igloo would be a good place to do it.
I powered back ... And began the turn - 90 degrees to the left, then a 270-degree turn to the right.
The true measure of a man is the degree to which he has managed to subjugate his ego.
We all need money, but there are degrees of desperation.
It could never be an insult, but a high degree of respect for me on being equated equal to a dog.
The policies of america in the region are 180 degrees apart from the policies of the islamic republic.
Technical degrees are almost useless by the time you graduate.
I finished my degree so I'm definitely hoping I have some more time to climb.
We know that a college degree is rapidly becoming the price of admission to the global economy.
The M.F.A. Is a degree in servitude. It is a way to keep writing safe - to keep reading safe from writing.
To the degree it is efficient, a spaceship is elegant and beautiful.
I have attained a fair degree of success. I don't have any regrets.
This is the president's mendacity continuing to a degree that is really quite remarkable.
To what a degree the same past can leave different marks - and especially admit of different interpretations.
I have an economics degree from Harvard.
Both my children have degrees from UCLA.
To whatever degree you have as a celebrity or notoriety, there are people who see you as an opinion leader.
It'll be zero degrees and blowing snow, and that's not a good time for everybody.
People are worried about the degree to which corporate interest is starting to threaten human interest.