The condition which high friendship demands is the ability to do without it.
Human nature, if it healthy, demands excitement; and if it does not obtain its thrilling excitement in the right way, it will seek it in the wrong. God never makes bloodless stoics; he makes no passionless saints.
The honor that we receive today also demands that we rise to the challenges facing the revolution.
Climate change is a medical emergency, it demands an emergency response using technologies available right now.
All these demands make their phones less attractive to users.
Believe me, in the future the demands for quality in norwegian seafood will be even higher.
The situation has gotten dire since 2008, when the demands in asia and china rose.
A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders.
The play is a marvelous form, but it demands less than a novel.
Success demands sacrifices. I believe it's a small price to pay for the adulation and love one receives.
Living in a republic demands a great deal of us.
There are so many demands on your time, on your resources, and on the prestige of the government.
A career in the theatre demands so much commitment.
Knowing demands the organ fitted to the object.
Swift justice demands more than just swiftness.
He who demands little gets it.
Life only demands from you the strength you possess.
The human mind demands intellectual expansion and expression."
Each individual woman's body demands to be accepted on its own terms.
The subject demands universal attention. The execution orders and carrying them out will push the middle east into turmoil.
...what thwarts us and demands of us the greatest effort is also what can teach us most.
This demands a serious, deep investigation.
Attractiveness demands an ease of being. It's comfortable and relaxed while bearing the mark of individuality.
Zionism demands a publicly recognized and legally secured homeland in Palestine for the Jewish people. This platform is unchangeable.
I have never had demands on me as acute as when I was a parish priest.
Real vision demands that we make tough choices. Real vision is responsible and it is paid for.
Their demands are so legitimate and so easy to understand.
Marriage always demands the finest arts of insincerity possible between two human beings.
He who demands does not command.
The state of the world today demands that women become less modest and dream/plan/act/risk on a larger scale.