The hardest part about directing is getting everyone on the same page.
The sensibility I brought to directing was similar to what I bring when I write.
I don't like directing that much to want a career as a director for hire. I like to have as much creative control as possible.
Directing is a unique endeavor where you are in charge of so many people. As a writer, it is sort of the opposite.
Eric McCormack is directing talent waiting to happen.
I think the only directing I'd be any good at is theatre directing. It's the only thing I can see myself doing.
Directing film is the hardest thing I have ever done.
I've learned more about directing from five years of television than I could have in ten years of film.
I want to do directing and acting. I can do them at the same time - it's a challenge, but it's my dream.
Directing is physically exciting because there's a ticking clock, you're working with people, it's very social, it's very enjoyable.
I'm interested in directing attention and focus, explored through playing cello.
Directing is really exciting. In the end, it's more fun to be the painter than the paint.
Directing a television episode is no joke, and it's incredibly difficult and especially when you're acting in it as well.
I love directing - it's always so involving, so challenging.
I now believe directing personal donations to that foundation was a mistake.
Directing while overcoming differences of language and culture is a stimulating challenge.
I started directing on 'The Wire.'
First of all, it was in my contract. I knew I would be directing an episode.
I have always believed that directing a film is like telling a story. You have to tell it well so that it is appreciated.
I don't see myself directing the same movie twice.
Making a movie is universal. Directing a movie is universal; it's a universal language.
Acting is fun, but directing is very stressful.
Given a choice, I prefer directing a play to a film.
Directing can be very lonely and quite intimidating.
Writing and directing your own film, for me, has been the best experience of my life.
Directing is a very, very difficult job.
I wouldn't take a directing job if I didn't think it was enriching life.
Directing movies is the best job there is, that's all. I can hardly say a word after that. It's just a great job.
Directing is very close to choreography; you deal with space, time, emotions, lighting, making beautiful images.