By and large, I think female directors are far more sensitive.
All my directors helped build my confidence.
Working with film directors helps me grow, but nothing like the incremental jumps I make onstage.
Bad directors are the ones who want to tell you every move, and think they're a better actor than you.
Yes, there are directors I admire, the mavericks. Altman. There are many good directors.
I keep meeting directors that are so irresistible. I only do irresistible films, because I don't need to act to feel myself alive.
The most nurturing of directors can make you feel too comfortable, and you don't really push for that extra whatever.
The place of seat arrangement for managers, executives, and directors must be located in south, west, and southwestern direction of the office premises.
There are all kinds of directors I want to work with and all kinds of films that I want to do.
A lot of directors tend to manipulate actors' vulnerability to get what they want, and that can work.
There are two types of directors the directors who take and directors who give.
I get crushes on directors because they are so brilliant.
I like dangerous directors who like dangerous actors and dangerous productions.
Stoller is one of my favorite comedic directors - one of my favorite directors that I've worked with to date.
New directors are safe. They tell you the full story and since they are new, they try to put their heart and soul into the project.
Many plays, certainly mine, are like blank cheques. The actors and directors put their own signatures on them.
Casting directors tend to be the unsung heroes in this business.
Do FBI Agents and FBI directors have political beliefs? Sure they do. But they're not supposed to act on them.
There are times when directors just don't know what they're doing.
People think that the directors direct actors. No. Really, what the director's doing is directing the audience's eye through the film.
Sooner or later, directors in Germany will start casting without regard to where a person is from. It shouldn't matter anymore.
Certain directors are known for a certain kind of beauty; it becomes their signature.
Chailly conducted verdi with extreme attention but the stage directors were not at all clear in their ideas.
If it fails we will sue cp and the officers and directors for c$431 million.
In my work with high-performing directors at google.
I've worked with a lot of directors who really don't have a sense of what the hell they want.
Most directors have little lists in their heads of people they really want to work with.
A lot of directors prefer the solitude of the editing process, but I revel in the craziness of what a film set is.
Good directors don't answer questions with their work. They generate debate and create discussion.