Miami drivers will attempt to pass you inside a car wash.
I love the polite drivers in la jolla. At an intersection . . . Most expensive car goes first.
I wonder what language truck drivers are using, now that everyone is using theirs?
There's a curve there, so we must assume that the train drivers must not have been able to see each other beforehand.
A number of drivers are supportive.
The drivers for the next 12-18 months will be very stock-specific.
Uber ensures that all rides are covered by insurance, and all drivers on the platform undergo an extensive background check.
We have to get dangerous drivers like this off the road to prevent more tragedies.
We drivers have got all the right paperwork, but they still turn us down, what can you do ? They have guns, and I don't.
There are no traffic jams, minibuses are uncomfortable and the drivers treat you badly.
I saw two rickshaw drivers on the ground with their arms blown off.
Rickshaw drivers do not know anything about these (online apps), they simply want their daily wages.
If you can rule out other drivers then you'd have to say it's a sign that consumers are becoming more cautious.
Some drivers seem to be overconfident when they should be taking it slow.
Two of the biggest drivers of airline profit are change fees and baggage fees.
Cities are drivers of growth and wealth, and at the same time, cities are becoming increasingly violent.
I have talked to stunt drivers all my life, 32 years of talking to stunt drivers. There's a craziness to them.
You have to tackle the real drivers of debt - that's mandatory spending, not discretionary.
We all have the temptation to be backseat drivers when it comes to decisions that don't work out the way we want.
Unfortunately, we don't educate drivers enough to be respectful on the road.
Was I involved in selling drivers licenses to people illegally? Hell no I wasn't. Would I have tolerated it? Hell no.
Dutch drivers use the right-hand side of the road.
It's sad that you don't see drivers being real people.