So far, the first quarter earnings have surpassed expectations and the housing numbers came in strong.
Even with the frothy multiples, people don't appreciate the earnings power of these companies.
Markets are anticipating a strong u.s. Earnings season, led by energy, healthcare and tech.
I think corporate earnings have been remarkably strong, the concern is really more about the future and decelerating growth.
Markets are anticipating a strong u.s. Earnings season, led by energy, healthcare and tech.
Markets are anticipating a strong u.s. Earnings season, led by energy, healthcare and tech. We are more downbeat on europe.
So far, the first quarter earnings have surpassed expectations and the housing numbers came in strong.
The fundamentals are strong. We've got hourly earnings up [and] jobs are increasing. This is good for the economy.
The market is anticipating a very good earnings season and ignoring any trade issues.
The release of LinkedIn earnings on Friday raised concerns about several social media companies.