Thugs who brutalize elderly people should be punished severely.
Many of these elderly people either live alone or are being taken care of by neighbors, they are not even relatives.
I don't think films about elderly people have been made very much.
There are many children and elderly people aboard.
The way the elderly are treated, and in some cases warehoused and medicated, rather than nurtured and listened to, is distressing.
In the high-income English-speaking world, the elderly get treated very well indeed.
In the past it was elderly ladies who did the dancing.
Obscenity is what happens to shock some elderly and ignorant magistrate.
I think our elderly are forgotten sometimes.
A new resident at an elderly people's home was rejected from the home on the grounds of being 'incompatible' when she confessed that she didn't play Scrabble.
Youths are like waves of the sea, the elderly have strength instead of tide.
The words of the elderly are as sweet as honey, but if you do not listen they become as sour as bile.
Elderly people are always more comfortable in the south-west corner.
I love talking with elderly people.
On one of the lunchtimes, an elderly passenger vomited with people all around him.