When you're providing emergency aid, you're fighting hunger; you're filling stomachs.
This is as disturbing a problem as we have seen in emergency care, we don't have the medicines we need.
This is a slow emergency that's not visible but we can already notice chronic child malnutrition is increasing.
There are critical emergency medical needs right now in pibor, and really limited capacity to respond and save lives.
The visibility of this emergency is extremely low.
The state of emergency and critical nature of the times do not allow me, as they do not allow anyone, to embark on a blame game.
The prince was taken in a helicopter for an emergency rescue in phnom penh, he is seriously injured but he will be fine.
The only way an emergency vehicle could come into play would be by boat.
The emergency plans are much better.
The emergency doctor told us they would not have made it much longer - two, maybe three hours.
The emergency care Americans receive can fall short of what they expect and deserve.
Part of it is that appeals are couched as if every emergency is temporary, but these are increasingly not short-term crises.
Our plan was to go to the emergency room because they can't turn you away.
Our ecological emergency demands proactive choices, not reactive sideswipes.
One who in a perilous emergency thinks with his legs.
In 2005, connecticut was accidentally issued an emergency alert to evacuate the entire state. Only about 1% of the people actually tried to leave.
In japan, bosai girls keep emergency kits in public areas( like a school) or at home.
In times of emergency the devil eats flies.
Iran endorses an emergency opec meeting and would not disagree with it.
It is a state of emergency and I would declare a state of emergency on Day One.
It is stunning that this emergency is widely being underestimated by global media and international donors.
It's an emergency in the making.
It's very prudent to have emergency funds.
Mare nostrum was an emergency solution to a humanitarian crisis, so closing it was a huge and intolerable step backward.
My thoughts are with the families of those involved emergency services.
Never invest emergency savings in the stock market.
No emergency excuses you from exercising tolerance.