An envious man waxes lean with the fatness of his neighbour.
I am always so envious of people who do whatever they want.
I've always been envious of certainty, of people who always seemed to have a plan for their lives.
I'm so envious of that genetic wiring that immediately puts a smile on your face. My genetic wiring just puts creases in my eyebrows.
Envious persons never compliment, they only swallow.
I'm envious of actors. You shoot a movie or you do a season of 'Big Love,' and then you're on hiatus and you have a bunch of free time.
I'm envious of writers.
I'm envious of people who can sleep as long as they want. I have the circadian rhythm of a farmer.
The envious never give praise, they only take it in.
The envious man's face grows sharp and his eyes big.
I'm always slightly envious of people who become extremely rich without anyone knowing who the hell they are, like financiers.
The envious man's face grows lean and his eye swells.
You can't be envious and happy at the same time.
I'm envious of 'Glee' - artists turned their libraries over for free because they knew it would lead to album sales.
I'm very envious of the few artists who are any good and still do portraits.