Woman, essentially a purist, is naturally bigoted and relentless in her effort to make others as good as she thinks they ought to be.
Insight essentially means being able to see things other people are not able to see. This is the hallmark of leadership.
The family is very upset, this is essentially their family member who died. To say they are upset is a gross understatement.
All the movies I've made are essentially character-driven movies about people that I'm interested in.
An unregulated derivatives market essentially gives Wall Street a way to place hidden taxes on everything in the world.
Liverpool are a team that is essentially very defensive; caution is at the heart of their game.
Essentially we need a new social consensus for economic reform as New Labour has achieved in Britain.
Blacks essentially play the race card, when necessary as a counter to white privilege.
The u.s. Media is essentially 100 percent united, vehemently, against trump, and preventing him from being elected president.
Language is essentially tribal, so jargon can actually be a really good thing because it unites people.