A woman experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserves to experience unplanned joy.
Africa is experiencing rising rates of growth, but will growth get translated into development?
After experiencing the crashes last year, the sentiment is quite vulnerable and pessimistic now.
America is experiencing an Islamist cultural-political offensive designed to undermine and destroy our civilization.
American culture is not about experiencing our shame, it's about denying it. It's been that way our whole history.
As a girl, I love the joy, luxury, and effortlessness of experiencing a pedicure on the go.
Black people are experiencing a systemic disadvantage, and it goes back to slavery, which was not that long ago.
Experiencing lots of different things is what being a kid is all about, and it helps make the most of their childhood.
Experiencing this film in 2-D is only getting about 20 percent of the experience of 'Gravity.'
I love experiencing other people's realities, seeing the world through their eyes for a short period of time.
I think safely experiencing fear by watching a horror movie makes real life a little less frightening.