If I do commentary, write articles, or am an expert on a news channel, I can still earn money.
Companies like google are expert at protecting value, if there is profit to be made from underwriting, they will underwrite.
I am the foremost expert on what Cory Stewart believes.
He became an expert in the anatomy of the human body, studying it in detail and creating hundreds of drawings to help explain his thoughts.
If an expert says it can't be done, get another expert.
I've found that the more experts you have on a movie, the less control the director has.
I want to be an expert in different fighting styles, new training methods, new ways of thinking.
If stock market experts were so expert, they would be buying stock, not selling advice.
I'm no real expert on China.
It's my expert option is that essure is not a safe product.
Don't let expertise fool you into seeing false boundaries or underestimating those with wild dreams.
I don't look at a man who's expert in one area as a specialist. I look at him as a rookie in ten other areas.
I can't say I'm an expert on public transport.
Most experts suggest that one should open with a joke. Obviously, they've never heard me tell a joke.
I don't focus on what the experts are saying or not.
Jeff was a brilliant strategist, visionary and expert in all things aviation.
You can't possibly have this kind of expertise in house unless you're jp morgan.
The vast majority of experts now either agree with us or accept that there is a strong case for our thesis.
The presumption of expertise is a natural impulse. They asked me for advice, ergo I must know something about that subject!
Where facts are few, experts are many.
This expertise does not exist yet. Reservoir models are still being proven for thermal processes.
We're also verified and monitored by third-party experts such as truste, verisign and other stalwarts of online security.
More and more health experts are concerned about the amount of sugar present in 100% fruit juice without the necessary fiber.
Death is nature's expert advice to get plenty of life.
The first thing we will do is look in dea's areas of expertise to see where we can expand in those areas.
What's left will be primarily a u.s.-based commercial bank, and that's what ellen's expertise is.
I think you need to buy experts in the market who are already established. I don't want to do it myself.
We rely on the expert group ... To come up with the plan. I am cautiously optimistic it should be in this area.
Having a global team and expertise in helping companies expand into new markets are strong differentiators.