I think you need to buy experts in the market who are already established. I don't want to do it myself.
My inhouse experts tell me that we need a decision by the end of the year.
Our wives are also experts at saving a few kopecks here and there, shortages in soviet times taught them well.
Experts suggest Hitler was very ill.
I mean, we're - if I may say so - we're experts at using materials and processes in ways for which they were never intended.
I don't focus on what the experts are saying or not.
Pronouncement of experts to the effect that something cannot be done has always irritated me.
Amateurs do tactics, experts do logistics, as we learn in the military.
I've found that the more experts you have on a movie, the less control the director has.
Many Russia experts note the deep and sad capacity of the Russian people for suffering.
While musical experts of the world focus on what choir members can do, I would like to focus on what choir members can be.
All the experts agree Medicare is going to go broke.
Experts say you can't concentrate on more than one task at a time.
Many experts are concerned that the parents who need safe havens the most are the least likely to use them.
Sure! Why should any experts be the arbiters... That's like telling someone they can't be a vegetarian.
We are the greatest experts in the world in criticizing our country, but no one loves his country more than the Israelis. No one.
From the experts we have gotten a lot, from pena nieto, nothing.
We're also verified and monitored by third-party experts such as truste, verisign and other stalwarts of online security.
Never since the time of copernicus have so many experts been so wrong so often with so little humility.
United Nations experts Democratic Party, unfortunately, is not the party that is of, by and for the people.
Many defense experts have predicted that we face no greater threat from a single country than from Iran.
Two experts never agree.