'Journey' is a way for us to explore the crossing, the intersection of our lives between each other.
A life lived unexplored is a life not worth living.
Acting, I get to explore other people and other characters; with music, I get to express and explore myself.
After I began to explore what an actor actually is, I studied for three years before I had the guts to go on an audition.
All these songs honestly explore the ups and downs of my reality.
Anybody can use it to visualize and explore the data and learn more about their city.
As a philosopher, I'm not obliged to explore every unknown wilderness.
As a producer, I am dying to explore psychology and urban dilemmas - say, fatigue - in a marriage.
As an actor, I feel there isn't much to explore on TV. So, if I get better work as a host, why wouldn't I do it?
As an actor, I want to explore films.
As an artist, I want to explore as much as I can.
As much as I like to explore the world, I explore music - from classical to rock.
As much as I'd love to explore other genres, I won't leave comedy. This genre has given me an identity.
At the end of the day, this is about the power of imagination, and what better place to explore that than in the theater.
Babies preferentially explored the object if it did something surprising rather than a new toy.
I am not a glutton-i am an explorer of food.
When it comes to curiosity you can choose to ignore it or explore it.
There's no reason why a writer shouldn't explore and use different genres.
I've always tried to explore the humorous aspects of life.
The way you get to explore a city when you are on shoot is so different from when you are there as a tourist.
There are just things you can explore in a movie that you can't in 22 minutes with a laugh track.
You can take anything, and if you explore it right, you can make it funny.
That's what we get to do as songwriters, right? You get to explore stuff.
I love acting, but I want to explore other things.
I want to shift the focus and explore methods of preventing child sexual abuse from happening in the first place.
His explorers (were) a huge part of his life.
Only when life is explored in awe, enjoyed in abundance and appreciated to its fullest can we say we have truly lived.
We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a cushion to try new ideas.
I'm just looking to explore every medium to express my talent, but I think mostly it's going to be a focus on features.