The amount of exposure apple gave to streaming can't be understated.
Nagpur was a very small town. There was no exposure to different kinds of films or world cinema. Only Manmohan Desai films.
I do limit my exposure to the public. You only have so much time.
Constant exposure to dangers will breed contempt for them.
The amount of exposure you get in India as a musician in Bollywood is so much better than what one gets independently.
The more exposure people have to the realities of factory farming, the more we will see people rejecting it. It's already happening.
Overall, exposure levels in this age group are low and that's great news.
It's your first exposure to a lot of different chemistry and microbes.
Having more exposure is kind of a bittersweet thing for me, honestly, because it's nice to have a little more job security in life now.
Exposure to a diversity of disciplines has been exceptionally helpful to me.
Exposure to the arts and culture is enormously valuable.
Td has exposure to the best place, best quality assets within the u.s. Banking system, which is the northeast.
My early exposure to all the leviathans of the Saturday matinee creature features inspired me, when I grew up, to make 'Jurassic Park.'
And long-term exposure to a negative environment, you become hard on issues.
I don't want my work to be an exposure of my feelings.
The more exposure you get to any weapon system aircraft I think the better it is going to be.
There is not so good an understanding between any two, but the exposure by the one of a serious fault in the other will produce a misunderstanding in proportion to its heinousness.
Not even the exposure we had in 2001, we're talking about the super bowl or something like that.
We've been cutting exposure to exporters since early april.
It's a negative environment, and long-term exposure to a negative environment, you become hard on issues.
It is an old psychological axiom that constant exposure to the object of fear immunizes against the fear.
I got a lot of exposure because of 'Eega,' as the film was released in Tamil, Hindi, and Malayalam.
Exposure to fields like design to technology and from art to psychology gave me a quite nice/interesting viewpoint to the world.
My exposure to Beckett and to late O'Neill was probably important right at the time I gave up poetry and the novel.
I had zero exposure to creative in WCW up until 1993, 1994. Even then, I was at a distance.
The wider the exposure that we give children of the real working world, the better.
In the early days of picture-taking, the exposure shutter had to stay open for a long time, so you had to stay really still.
But the exposure we got by doing the stint with Nine Inch Nails brought us a lot of attention.
There definitely is exposure in reality shows, but the exposure will basically get you more reality shows.
It is believed that radiation exposure led to the death of Marie Curie in 1934.