A stranger has big eyes but sees nothing.
The eyes are the window of the soul.
A close mouth and open eyes never did any one harm.
All are not asleep who have their eyes shut.
Bad eyes never see any good.
He must have keen eyes that would know a maid at sight.
Self-love is bad, and makes the eyes sad.
The cock shuts his eyes when he crows, because he knows it by heart.
The eyes believe themselves; the ears believe other people.
What the eyes see, the heart believes.
His eyes are like two burnt holes in a blanket.
Nature breaks through the eyes of the cat.
A beetle is a beauty in the eyes of his mother.
For the buyer a hundred eyes are too few, for the seller one is enough.
Mouth shut and eyes open.
Because horse's eyes are on the side of their head they are capable of seeing nearly 360 degrees at one time.
Horses have bigger eyes than any other mammal that lives on land.
Hedgehogs have weak eyesight but a strong sense of hearing and smell. They can swim, climb and run surprising quickly over short distances.
Hares are born with fur and their eyes open.
Chameleons actual eyesight is great they can see small insects 5-10 meters away. They can also see in both visible and ultraviolet light.
The chameleons' eyes can rotate and focus separately on 180-degree arcs, so they can see two different objects at the same time. This gives them a full 360-degree field of vision.
Dolphins have excellent eyesight and hearing as well as the ability to use echolocation for finding the exact location of objects.
The party is walking eyes shut, arms outstretched over the cliff's edge to the jagged rocks below.
Pawlenty eyes run for Franken's Senate seat -Twin Cities Pioneer Press.
Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.
The eyes of the entire nation are on the state.
The eyes of the country will be on the Haitian National Police, and they will be heavily scrutinized.
All eyes now are on whether China stocks will be included in the MSCI index, which is more important.
The eyes see only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.
Your EYES not only see everything around you AS IS, but also PROJECT what you wish look in this world!