You have to be a champion in all facets of life.
There is no facet of my professional life that doesn't require or request improvisation.
There is hardly a facet of an Indian citizen that has not been touched by ISRO's technology.
Spontaneity is such an entertaining facet of show business.
I'm a multifaceted entertainer.
I think all characters are facets of the writer. In a way, they have to be if you're going to write them convincingly.
I love everybody. You have to embrace all facets of humanity; love and accept everyone as being part of yourself.
I like to indulge all the facets of my personality. There's none that I don't think, in a way, I would want to take away from.
I just appreciate all the facets of a woman.
I felt privileged to be a facet of such a jewel in the crown of American cinema.
Corruption has permeated every facet of the country, from business life to politics.