He who has crossed the ford knows how deep it is.
Don't bet more than you can afford to lose.
I am neither at the ford nor the bridge.
It's better to return from the centre of the ford than drown in the flood.
Only the rich can afford compassion.
Praise the ford when you have crossed it.
A beggar himself, can he afford to have one asking for alms at his door?
By the time a man can afford to lose a golf ball, he can't hit that far.
In my youth, poverty enriched me, but now I can afford wealth.
Don't ask me to give in to this body of mine. I can't afford it. Between me and my body there must be a struggle until death.
It is a secret in the oxford sense. You may tell it to only one person at a time.
The clever men at oxford know all there is to be knowed - but they none of them know as half as much as intelligent mr. Toad.
Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties.
Pessimism is a luxury that a jew can never afford himself.
A successful book cannot afford to be more than ten percent new.
Whenever I can afford to do something, I do it.
When you have a senior citizen who can't afford her prescription medicine, Washington is broken.
When you can't afford to have the best, you hire the young who are going to be the best.
When you are a public personality, you can't afford to be a recluse.
When we were kids, we couldn't even afford to watch Thierry Henry on Match of the Day.
When I was a student, I couldn't afford anything.
When I was a child, I didn't fly - we couldn't afford to fly. Flying was for rich people.
When I started teaching at Stanford Graduate School of Business in 2000, no field-based courses in strategic philanthropy existed.
When I got into Stanford in high school, I had some friends from school who told me that I just got in because I was black and whatnot.
When I first came to Hollywood, I couldn't afford a telephone.
When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, 'Nah, what's wrong with a horse?' That was a huge bet he made, and it worked.
What I like about Oxford is how small it is; it's really more of a big town than a city.
What I learned at Oxford has been used to great advantage throughout my business career.
What Americans want is more affordable health care.
We've seen no difference from the affordable care act.