A beautiful funeral does not necessarily lead to paradise.
A funeral eulogy is a belated plea for the defense delivered after the evidence is all in.
A solemn funeral is inconceivable to the chinese mind.
An elephant funeral makes me weep every time, and so does an ad with a kid leaving home for college.
Attend funerals avoid weddings.
Chewbacca's funeral took place on Kashyyyk.
Crematories need to be built, but there isn't any space to do so and that is creating funeral refugees.
Don't go to the funeral until the day of the funeral. Live this day.
Dream of a funeral and you hear of a marriage.
Everyone has to go to a funeral at some time and you need to be dark and sombre, and in a black tie.
Funeral by funeral, theory advances.
Funeral pomp is more for the vanity of the living than for the honor of the dead.
Funeral sermon, lying sermon.
Funerals are a pagan rite. There's not any doubt about it.
He wanted a simple, local funeral with little fanfare.
I wouldn't want my funeral to be a sad, sappy thing.
I want my funeral to be uncomfortably quiet.
I used to sing at funeral homes for families that didn't have a vocalist. I didn't get paid. I needed to sing.
I played a funeral convention once. York Casket Company pays well, in case anyone's wondering!
I grew up in a funeral home. Both my parents were morticians.
I delayed my father's funeral because of cricket.