Don't look back. Something may be gaining on you.
Ultimately, overcoming personal censorship is about gaining independence-independence from ignorance!~ adesiji rabiu.
For some people gaining only a few pounds could move them from the non-overweight to overweight range.
They are more or less going for the participation and gaining the experience. Let's hope next time will be better.
We see tecentriq gaining momentum in lung cancer.
If you're gaining weight, you'll see it and do something.
It's a big bargaining chip for (australian) banks to use to force a better deal with apple.
It gives the kurds legitimacy and enhances their bargaining position.
What's especially frustrating is that there's no disagreement on the policy, it's become a bargaining chip.
What is happening ... Is an increase of sprawling urbanization, informality is gaining share in the growth of cities.
We are starting to see signs inflation is gaining traction.
We see more and more that are gaining access to that control system layer.
Apple has been gaining significant market share in pretty much every region, and I'm not seeing a global slowdown.
It is nice that we are gaining popularity. But we are no softies. We are straight up punk rockers.
You're gaining more than you're losing in a small town.
I try to avoid gaining weight as much as possible because it hinders my performance onstage. Touring demands so much energy.
Disabled veterans are not a bargaining chip.
Farm jobs are not a bargaining chip.
I'm gaining weight the right way I'm drinking beer.
It's about gaining that confidence back in myself. Believing in myself more than others may believe.