It's a generational thing. It'd be great if some kids grew up with me as that Jason Bourne figure.
With each new generation of products there's a temptation to believe they got it wrong before but they've got it right now.
Introducing that new generation, that younger generation to the flower show is something that we want to do.
The problem is that my generation was pacified into believing that racism existed only in our history books.
Maybe it's a generational thing, but I never wanted to be the best black dancer in the world. I just wanted to be the best.
The younger generation of hip-hop artists believes in doing something irreverent, inventing a new style. That's all it's about.
You know, it was only a generation ago that actors couldn't be buried in the churchyard.
Generation Y is much smarter. They just get information much more quickly. They really understand the idea of quality and value.
It took an entire generation of critical thinking for Douglas Sirk's films to be really appreciated.