A girl with cotton stockings never sees a mouse.
Marry a mountain girl and you marry the whole mountain.
A girl draws more than a rope.
The girl as she is taught, the flax as it is wrought.
The doorstep weeps for forty days whenever a girl is born.
The whisper of a pretty girl can be heard further off than the roar of a lion.
A whistling girl and a crowing hen never came to a good end.
A girl with a golden cradle doesn't remain long in her father's house.
Away from home the girl picks forbidden fruit.
A girl receives, a widow takes her husband.
A girl that blushes too much, knows too much.
Even when a girl is as shy as a mouse, you still have to beware of the tiger within.
It is easier to make a lady of a peasant girl than a peasant girl of a lady.
A girl without a needle is like a cat without a claw.
A fine girl and a tattered gown always find something to hook the them.
A girl unemployed is thinking of mischief.
A girl without a friend is like the spring without roses.
Even the devil's grandmother was a nice girl when she was young.
You have to put a young girl onto an old man.
When a girl in the teahouse smiles at you, look the other way.
A girl without a mother is like a mountain with no paths; a girl without a father is like a mountain with no streams.
A gadding girl is rarely coy.
He who loves a one-eyed girl thinks that one-eyed girls are beautiful.
The girl is more inviting who smells of wild thyme than she who smells of musk.
A lovely girl attracts attention by her good looks, an ugly girl by the help of a mirror.
When a girl is born it is like having six thieves invade the house.
With a bottle and a girl one does not count the hours.
A girl never grows into a lady.
When a girl is born all four walls weep.
A girl only gets pregnant once.