He knows best what good is that has endured evil.
The winner has many friends, the loser has good friends.
With money, a dragon - without it, a worm.
If the mountain won't come to mohammed, mohammed must go to the mountain.
A riddle made by god has no solution.
Sweat makes good mortar.
God did not create hurry.
The goat must browse where she is tied.
As the date got closer, more and more I wanted to turn back time. But if I chickened out, I risked being seen as a coward.
The mills of the gods grind slowly but they grind finely.
I just try to go out and help others, to do whatever I can to make a difference.
At a big club, sometimes you are going to be in, and sometimes you are going to be out, but it's how you deal with that.
You kind of have to have no ego to be a producer and a songwriter.
For our sins god has created three enemies for us: mice in the house, the fox in the mountains, and a priest in our village.
My number one goal is to take over the music business and run a really great record company.
He that goes a-borrowing, goes a-sorrowing.
If anything can go wrong, it will.
If god had meant us to fly he'd have given us wings.
It goes without saying.
Love makes the world go round.
March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb.
Money makes the world go round.
Never go to bed on an argument.
Never let the sun go down on your anger.
Parsley seed goes nine times to the devil.
Pride goes before a fall.
See a pin and pick it up, all the day you'll have good luck; see a pin and let it lie, bad luck you'll have all day.
The best defence is a good offence.
The good die young.
The only good indian is a dead indian.