When the grandmothers of today hear the word 'Chippendales', they don't necessary think of chairs.
When I was little, my grandmother would take me to church with her, and she would introduce me to people.
When I was growing up, both my grandmothers would play the organ, and we would all sing.
When I was growing up in Russia, my grandmothers would cook the best pancakes in the world, the best meatballs, the best dumplings.
When I was a girl, my grandmother would take me during the holidays to see the windows at Saks and Rockefeller Center.
When I think about my late grandmother and how she used to talk to me, I become very emotional.
What in heaven's name is strange about a grandmother dancing nude? I'll bet lots of grandmothers do it.
The factory that my grandmother had put under the house to produce these green men to come get me.
She ain't my queen. My grandmother is my queen, and my auntie, my cousin, my daughters... The Queen's never done anything for me.
Playing with my grandfather, grandmother and my parents, I came to music pretty naturally.
My Welsh grandmother Mair didn't meet my grandfather until she was 28, quite old to be unmarried in the early '40s.
My Ukrainian grandmother would tell amazing stories. She lost her father, and as children, we would always listen to her stories.