I love the instant gratification of theatre - it reminds me of why I enjoy filming in the first place.
As far as show business, it's the gratification of doing something that pleases the fans.
The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application.
He who desires sense gratification must give up all thoughts of acquiring knowledge; and he who seeks knowledge must not hope for sense gratification. How can he who seeks sense gratification acquire knowledge, and he who possesses knowledge enjoy mundane sense pleasure?
The gratification comes, for me, in the doing of it. And once I've done it, I can't do anything about it if it's good or if it's bad.
My gratification in working comes from the preparation and the building of the character.
Delayed gratification is a sweet lesson whose teacher knows the best is not right now, it is yet to be.