She is fond of greens who kisses the gardener.
I read the greens in Spanish, but putt in English.
The gardener's dog neither eats greens not lets any one else eat them.
I have got to get my greens wherever I can but they always seem to come loaded with sausage slices.
I prefer the Greens to remain an opposition party that's able to hold the government to account.
Raw leafy greens contain only about 100 calories per pound and are packed with nutrients.
The Greens have never been on the ballot in Georgia because of restrictive ballot access laws.
These greens are so pure if you get it on line and get it rolling properly, i've holed a lot of putts this week.
In fact even the greens are edible as a leaf vegetable although this is rare.
It started to get a lot firmer and faster, the speed of the greens picked up. It's going to be tough (for the leaders).
It was tough out there, the greens are firm, quick and the wind tends to swirl around here.
What I hope is less about what the greens will do but what people who don't consider themselves part of the green movement will do.
The real dynamic is that when Greens are in the debates, Conservatives don't do as well.
These greens are so fast I have to hold my putter over the ball and hit it with the shadow.
The greens are so fast I have to hold my putter over the ball and hit it with the shadow.
The Greens will threaten the future of our strong economy. They will destroy jobs and put Victorian families at risk.