I don't see the point of grumpy people.
In actual life I am a grumpy old bag.
People say that I'm quite grumpy and negative on stage and that I surely can't be like that off it, but I really am.
If I'm grumpy I sure do enjoy writing The Walking Dead.
I'm that grumpy old guy yelling at all those pesky little Grizzly Bear fans to get offa my lawn.
I don't do karaoke. I don't dance, even at weddings. I'm the grumpy one sitting down drinking wine.
Don't shop when you're hungry or in a grumpy mood. You need to feel happy and confident to make the best decisions.
Actually, I have my moments, but I don't consider myself a grumpy guy.
You never want to be the grumpy guy, although I do have quite a grumpy face.
I think you're the grumpy Kid in the Hall, I'm the nice Kid in the Hall.
It's true, I've become one of those grumpy older women.
My husband says I'm a grumpy lioness.
I'm not a dictator. It's just that I have a grumpy face.
I get pretty grumpy about TV.
I just get grumpy with bad behaviour.