'Boomerang' is all about coming back from the hate and not listening to the hate. It really tells a message.
'Chip Away' is somewhat of a rail against cable news and divisive agendas... All for the almighty dollar.
'Cougar' has become so distasteful. I really hate that expression.
'ER' was so huge that whatever I did coming back to television, I'd have to feel as strongly about.
'Good English' is whatever educated people talk; so that what is good in one place or time would not be so in another.
'Shoop' is whatever you want it to mean. You just shooping around. Just shoop!
'The bully pulpit' is somewhat diminished in our age of fragmented attention and fragmented media.
'The Hateful Eight' is like theatre.
'The War in the Air' describes the destruction of Manhattan by air attack.
'Thursday' is a conceptual album. Whatever that situation was, I spent the whole album focusing on that situation.
'Whiplash' was always the song I hated the most because it's a song designed to screw with drummers.
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
1 realize that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred toward any one.
A bad day never hath a good night.
A big shop in Manhattan would feel like we were betraying our roots. And we're not just going to open a bunch of stores.
You play to whatever publication you're being interviewed by.
You need to be ready to bat, whatever you are given; you have to take what is thrown at you.
You need to be aware, educated, and willing to do whatever it takes to remain healthy and keep the body healthy.
You must surrender whatever preconceptions you have about music if you're really interested in it.
You may hate gravity, but gravity doesn't care.
You lose a lot of time, hating people.
You like me, or you hate me. There's really no in between.
You learn from a conglomeration of the incredible past - whatever experience gotten in any way whatsoever.
You know, whatever people say, nothing's going to change it - what I think, what I'm capable of.
You know, people hate me or love me and I just don't even bother paying attention to it anymore.
You know, in a way, I wish I could hate a little more. It would make me a more rounded personality.
You know, I was a school rebel. Whatever they said do, I didn't do. I was totally anti-everything.
You know, I think whatever a comic talks about onstage is all they talk about offstage.
You know, I just do whatever feels right to me! And so that's what you're gonna get!
You know, I hate to give advice because my life has been so odd that almost nothing that's happened to me can apply.