Honor your father and your mother.
Prayer honors god, acknowledges his being, exalts his power, adores his providence, secures his aid.
When you are aspiring to the highest place, it is honorable to reach the second or even the third rank.
Honor is the reward of virtue.
I could not love thee, dear, so much, loved I not honor more.
Wealth lost-something lost; honor lost-much lost; courage lost-all lost.
The granting of prayer, when offered in the name of jesus, reveals the father's love to him, and the honor which he has put upon him.
Honor women! They entwine and weave heavenly roses in our earthly life.
I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.
A woman of honor should not suspect another of things she would not do herself.
When character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered. Inspirational quotes.
Tonight we honor hollywood's best and whitest I mean brightest.
Honor has not to be won it must only not be lost.
Honor has not to be won; it must only not be lost.
Of all the privileges I have as president, I have no greater honor than serving as your commander in chief.
Age is honorable and youth is noble.
America will honor our treaty obligations.
America's honor, your honor is at stake. Go out and preserve the greatest country in the history of the world.
Americans honor and respect each other's faith, and we honor those that choose to have no faith.
An honor is not diminished for being shared.
Any person of honor chooses rather to lose his honor than to lose his conscience.
Anytime I sing the anthem, it is an honor and my heart beats out of my chest.
Authors should be honored only for their works.
Be honorable yourself if you wish to associate with honorable people.
Better poor with honor than rich with shame.
Better retreat in honor than advance in disgrace.
Born poor, but of honored and humble people, I am particularly proud to die poor.
Cartooning is an honorable thing.
Christopher Columbus, as everyone knows, is honored by posterity because he was the last to discover America.
Dick Clark is an American icon. I am honored that he has entrusted me with such a role in this national tradition.