You know, the comedic and horror thing was the key to 'Zombieland,' which is a comedy first.
You know, the best thing you can say about a horror film is, 'Don't see it.'
Wrestling and horror just sort of go together.
With a horror movie, you don't want to anticipate where things are going to go.
When you're the good guy in a horror film, you're usually suffering a lot throughout the entire thing.
When we are on the road, we do a real horror show - and it's pure entertainment. That's it.
When I was a little kid, I loved horror films. I always liked being scared.
When I was a kid, I loved horror films. I used to stay up on Saturday night to watch.
When I was 12, I had a fondness for horror movies like the 'Wolfman.' The boy next door said I should read Poe.
When I go see an R-rated horror movie, I want lots of violence.
When horror is about something - capital-A about - that's when it's really landing.
Wes Craven is obviously a horror film icon so I was definitely very interested in bringing something back to life that Wes had created.
We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones.
War is the ultimate reality-based horror show.
Trying to break into the horror market seemed natural.
I'm pretty mad at horror films for ruining my childhood.
Some day, I'm in a horror movie, and some days I'm in, like, a sweet, independent feature about relationship.
It is a mistake to fancy that horror is associated inextricably with darkness, silence, and solitude.
Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places.
I hate horror movies.
Rocky Horror Picture Show' was my gateway drag/drug. I was somewhere between 13 and 16 when I started going to that.
I would love to do more horror films.
I'm really into horror art, so I feel, like, a dark side in that way.
I'm a huge horror film and sci-fi fan.
I see horror as part of legitimate film. I don't see it as an independent genre that has nothing to do with the rest of cinema.
Horror movies can be very interesting because they can deal with intangible subjects that are full of emotion.
I've always been into the horror genre, so I've seen a lot of movies with ghosts and supernatural stuff.
I'm not so sure that horror should be dismissed as something less than literature.
Great horror films don't win Academy Awards.
I didn't even know what a horror film was. I kind of made it up as I went along.