An army is driven back by courage and not by insults, however many.
Cheetahs are extremely fast however they tire quickly and can only keep up their top speed for a few minutes before they are too tired to continue.
Tentacruel is said to have eighty tentacles, however only about ten are often seen.
However careful a tramp may be to avoid places where there is abundant work, he cannot always succeed.
However hard a thing is thrown into the air, it always falls to the ground.
There is no sinner in the world, however much at enmity with god, who cannot recover god's grace by recourse to mary, and by asking her assistance.
The chain of friendship, however bright, does not stand the attrition of constant close contact.
However high a bird may soar, it seeks its food on earth.
However big the whale may be, the tiny harpoon can rob him of life.
However far the stream flows, it never forgets its source.
However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act upon them?
The moment that any life, however good, stifles you, you may be sure it isn't your real life.
You've got to ensure that the holders of an opinion, however unpopular, are allowed to put across their points of view.
I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act, but I do believe in a fate that falls on men unless they act.
We shall continue preventing such attacks, however we ask people to work with us.
However much we do to avoid them, we shall never lack crosses in this life if we are in the ranks of the crucified.
Truth, however bitter, can be accepted, and woven into a design for living.
However if data continues to miss, they may refrain from signalling a change in monetary policy three months forward.
Some people, however long their experience or strong their intellect, are temperamentally incapable of reaching firm decisions.
The dynamic, creative present, however conditioned and restricted by the effects of prior presents, possesses genuine initiative.
I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.
Parents, however old they and we may grow to be, serve among other things to shield us from a sense of our doom. As long as they are around, we can avoid the fact of our mortality; we can still be innocent children.
However fascinating you may think you are, there is a limit to what you can know about yourself.
Dodrio is based on the dodo, a flightless bird, however it is able to learn Fly.
It has to be stopped, whoever they may be, however powerful they may be, this cannot go on.
My decision to leave 'Ween', however interpreted, was absolutely not made in haste.
Every man, however wise, needs the advice of some sagacious friend in the affairs of life.
Geodude are often shown to be floating, however it cannot have the Levitate Ability, and it can't learn Magnet Rise.
Sequestration, sequestation - however you pronounce that word - and gridlock aren't all that bad.