As an avid hunter and outdoorsman, I am blessed to call the bank of the great Yellowstone River outside Glendive my home.
At home I have hunting magazines on my nightstand. I'm an avid hunter. I hunt every chance I get.
Being an old mississippi boy, I'd deer hunted and I knew immediately he had a deer rifle, a .30-(caliber) deer rifle.
By the way, it was not $3 million to shoot hunter into the f--- sky, it was $5 million.
Far fewer hunters are going to Zimbabwe, directly after the Cecil situation numbers declined precipitously.
For sure, I won't go hunting for a guy to love and get married to. But once I'm in love, I'll do what it takes to make it work.
Helen Hunt is terrific, and I got to do a couple of guest spots with Helen and Paul Reiser on 'Mad About You.'