Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who put them into action are priceless.
Ideas are one thing, and what happens is another.
Big ideas are so hard to recognize, so fragile, so easy to kill. Don't forget that, all of you who don't have them.
When ideas come, I write them; when they don't come, I don't.
Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.
Great ideas are not charitable.
Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing there is a field. I'll meet you there.
Education with inert ideas is not only useless; it is above all things harmful.
Ideas won't keep: something must be done about them.
Without feedback, good ideas go unnoticed.
If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied.
Ideas can not be owned, therefore no one can steal the idea of another.
Ideas are a capital that bears interest only in the hands of talent.
We need to have innovation, we need to have new ideas and ways of doing things, especially with regard to renewable energy.
Ideas are the beginning of all achievement.
The teacher is one who makes two ideas grow where only one grew before.
Act upon your ideas or they will stay in the invisible realm of your mind.
This is my answer to the gap between ideas and action - I will write it out.
What rules the world is idea, because ideas define the way reality is perceived.
We have 435 members. A lot of members have different ideas about what we should and shouldn't be doing.
I think the ideas that she has put out contrast well with the other democrats, there are differences.
The making of a journalist: no ideas and the ability to express them.
I've got some insane ideas this year, what if we covered the stadium with glitter ?
He has good ideas about how to help malaysia produce goods for export to china.
If growing up is the process of creating ideas and dreams about what life should be, then maturity is letting go again.
Given our ties with citic and cp, we have better ideas on how to achieve the 400 billion yen target.
We challenged ourselves to try to find analogies, ideas that work in other industries to bring into our model.
Geniuses don't have better ideas than the rest of us. They just have more of them.
The mindset ideas were developed as a counter to the self-esteem movement of blanketing everyone with praise, whether deserved or not.
I assemble my ideas in pieces on a computer file, then gradually find a place for them on a piece of scaffolding I erect.