Idleness has poverty for wages.
Idleness is the beginning of all sin.
Idleness is the root of all evil.
Idleness is the sepulchre of a living man.
Idleness is a fool's desire.
Idleness is the mother of all evil.
Idleness is the root of an evil.
Idleness is the devil's bolster.
Idleness is hunger's mother, and of theft it is bull brother.
Idleness is ever the root of indecision.
Idleness ruins the constitution.
Let but the hours of idleness cease, and the bow of cupid will become broken and his torch extinguished.
Study invites study, idleness produces idleness.
Idleness moves so slowly that it will be overtaken by misery.
Beauty is the sister of idleness and the mother of luxury.
His labor is a chant - his idleness - a tune - oh, for a bee's experience of clovers, and of noon!
Idleness is not doing nothing. Idleness is being free to do anything.
Idleness is only the refuge of weak minds.
Idleness is the stupidity of the body, and stupidity is the idleness of the mind.
Gluttony and idleness are two of life's great joys, but they are not honourable.
Idleness is the heaviest of all oppressions.
Idleness is an appendix to nobility.
In idleness there is a perpetual despair.
Idleness among children, as among men, is the root of all evil, and leads to no other evil more certain than ill temper.
Toil is no source of shame; idleness is shame.