The great liberation of imaginative writing is that you're not held back by the facts.
For many imaginative writers, working for the press is a fact of their life. But it's best not to like it too much.
I love the virtuosity and imaginative chutzpah of 'Da Vinci's Demons,' and not just because my boyfriend is in it!
Ideals are an imaginative understanding of that which is desirable in that which is possible.
Children are so creative and imaginative that they just bring you to life all over again.
The real use of imaginative reading is precisely to suspend one's mind in the workings of another sensibility.
I was a very imaginative and theatrical child and wasn't afraid of being in front of a camera.
The great liberation of imaginative writing is that you're not held back by the facts.
Acting is an imaginative leap, really, isn't it? And imaginations prosper in different circumstances.