Yes, risk-taking is inherently failure-prone. Otherwise, it would be called sure-thing taking.
Writing, for me, is an inherent part of understanding the material on a deeper level.
When you're finished, bars are not inherently profitable. You got to work at them to make them profitable.
When you consider the concept of vampirism, it is inherently part of a Western culture.
What 'Flashpoint' does is examine the inherent inconsistencies in Shade's past and attempt to explain it and give it some logic.
We have the right to say 'yes' to projects and 'no' to projects. It's an inherent right.
Venture capital is an inherently optimistic form of investment - which is both its primary strength and its primary weakness.
Because they are inherently social, people find value in reading the same books and watching the same movies that others do.
I think there's something inherently dishonest in trying to go back and mess with the past.
All things to do with drag are inherently therapeutic because the realization of your own insanity is the beginning of sanity.
Yes, risk-taking is inherently failure-prone. Otherwise, it would be called sure-thing taking.
There is something inherently foolish in soldiering on when there is no hope of payoff.
Ground operations are inherently very risky in Yemen. The two previous JSOC raids in Yemen were both in 2014.