Architecture is not an inspirational business, it's a rational procedure to do sensible and hopefully beautiful things; that's all.
I think it's great that you have inspirational female roles, that it's not just the pretty girl on the arm of a man.
I want to be motivational and inspirational for everybody my big aim is more women on bicycles.
The 'Dezeen's of this world are extremely inspirational but have no realistic dimension any more.
I want to be an inspirational model. I want people to look at me and say, 'Wow, she looks healthy.'
It really is an honor if I can be inspirational to a younger singer or person. It means I've done my job.
Late in my career, I was asked to do an inspirational record and a duets album and I didn't want to do either.
I do a lot of inspirational talks for kids, to motivate them to change their lives and give them hope.